Saturday, November 24, 2012

Love Thy Neighbor

Try To Love Thy Enemy

When two boarding schools meld into one, enemies from the start, 6 girls get thrown together in what may be the worst year of their lives. (CLOSED. WILL ADD MORE ROLES BUT ONLY IN PAIRS SO HAVE SOMEONE TO TAKE YOUR PARTNER CHARACTER IF YOU WANT TO JOIN)


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Try To Love Thy Enemy?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Love Thy Neighbor"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.

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Jack, please read the rules!

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okay HEY NAT can I reserve taylor swift

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Member for 2 years

HEY NAT! May I reserve the Bonnie Wright character?

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@Echo, I approve the change. Welcome to the game!
@graphic, sure thing!

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Affilation is supposed to be Orientation! :D

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Sorry... can I change to Hillary Duff? Hehe, it's because I think that I can play that character much better...

Last edited by graphicromantics on Fri Nov 23, 2012 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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awesome thanks! ill have her in some time today

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Hey guys 2 more roles so if you want to invite some friends let them know about this and tell them my FC's are all negotiable!

Also PLEASE check out the "ABOUT RIDGEWAY CENTRAL" thread! Post what your bedset, and pajamas look like there. Uniforms to be up soon

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can I reserve girl 6 and change the fc to lucy hale? my character will be up ASAP

Everyone has an


So Embrace It!

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Missie, two things! One, please read the rules, and two, girl 6 is already taken. girls 1 and 4 are open. I will consider changing fc's if you send me a gif link

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"HEY NAT! I'd like to reserve girl one as Lucy Hale instead?"

SURE MISSIE! (I'll let you off the hook this time because I'm in a good mood, but please check the rules!)

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For all you viewing but not replying- I have one role left, Bonnie Wright FC

I don't bite! I'm actually really nice :D

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what happened to the roleplay?

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This RP was closed for violations of site rules regarding explicit content and the encouraging of cybering through PMs.

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While there are plenty of deals and discounts to be had on TVs, phones, laptops and other tech products, camera-wise, there aren't a lot of reasons to wait in line until midnight after Thanksgiving dinner. That's because the year's best cameras ? many of which are rounded up here ? simply aren't subject to fire-sale pricing.


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Hey HR, Don't Forget About Workplace Communication! | Business ...

MP900443497 copyWorkplace communication is important to every organization. It?s how ideas are shared, people are informed, success is recognized, and issues are addressed. Without communication, silos develop, and people are left in the dark. ?A lack of communication will have a negative impact not only on employee morale and customer service, but it will also reduce productivity. And as flexible work arrangements are on the rise, it is increasingly important to keep feedback flowing and communication regular.

Having a strong internal network of communication in place will pay huge dividends. HR professionals should keep these suggestions in mind when thinking about improving internal communication.

Method of communication ? People absorb information in different ways. It?s important to make sure everyone understands information, so use a variety of methods to talk to your employees. Intranet, face-to-face meetings, emails, employee surveys, and company newsletters?there are many tools you can use to reach out to your employees, and you should choose the best method for the message you are sharing.

Clarity of Message ? Ensure your message is clear, transparent, and honest. If you deliver a message that employees don?t fully understand it can be more confusing than not communicating at all. The content of your message and level of detail should vary depending on the audience. Be careful with use of jargon and technical terms. Give your employees the opportunity to ask questions in order to ensure your message is understood.

Frequency of Conversation ? It?s important to communicate often, but not too much. If you are constantly bombarding employees with information, they may assume that you over-communicate and begin to block communication out. If you go too little, they won?t get the info they need.

Timing ? When is the best time to communicate your message? Do it at a time when you know employees will be focused and not distracted. And don?t wait until the very last minute. If you are sharing important information, be sure to give employees enough time to respond.

Message Delivery ? Ensure that the best communicator is sharing the message. If this isn?t possible, it may be necessary to coach or train those responsible. Workplace communication should be clear, concise, and delivered in an organised manner. Depending on the situation, you may need to choose the presenter carefully. For example, if you?re communicating to a large audience, ensure that the speaker is comfortable speaking in front of a big group.

Communication Must Flow Both Ways ? There are many ways to achieve this, but the most effective way is by simply listening. Ensure the lines of communication are open, in both directions. Ask questions, create discussions, and give opportunities for employee feedback.

Workplace communication isn?t always going to be easy, but it is vital to employee performance and the success of the organisation. HR Professionals are responsible for managing communication within the organisation and helping leaders communicate effectively. And better communication, means a better organisation.

One way to take a proactive approach to developing communication competency within your company, is to deploy 360 degree feedback solutions. Check out our video on the benefits of 360 feedback to learn more about improving the flow of workplace communication.


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Is Middle East Peace a Mirage?

With the truce in the week-long Gaza war, Barack Obama is being prompted by right and left to re-engage and renew U.S. efforts to solve the core question of Middle East peace.

Before he gets reinvolved in peacemaking, our once-burned president should ask himself some hard questions.

Is real peace between Palestinians and Israelis even possible?

Is there any treaty that could be agreed to, or imposed, that would be acceptable to Israel and the Palestinian Authority on the West Bank, let alone to Hamas, which has emerged from its defiance of one of the most intensive bombardments of modern time with new prestige?

What are the obvious impediments to such a treaty?

First, Bibi Netanyahu, who has presided over the expansion of Israel settlements and joined Avigdor Lieberman, a supporter of ethnic cleansing of Israeli Arabs, in a coalition of the Israeli hard right.

Would Bibi agree to a treaty that required removal of scores of thousands of Israeli settlers from Judea and Samaria, when he opposed Ariel Sharon's withdrawal of a few thousand settlers from Gaza?

Would Bibi agree to Jerusalem becoming the capital of Palestine as well as Israel, a non-negotiable demand of Arab nations?

Could a Palestinian Authority that gives up all rights to Jerusalem survive?

A second roadblock is the correlation of forces in Washington.

Should Obama begin to pressure Israel to remove settlers from the West Bank and accept a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem, he would ignite a firestorm among evangelical Christians, the Israeli Lobby, the neocons and a Congress that, not long ago, gave Bibi 29 standing ovations after he dressed-down Barack Obama right in the Oval Office.

Obama has acquired much political capital with his election victory, but not that much.

In a Bibi-Barack face-off over settlements and Jerusalem, with whom would ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other Democrats looking to 2016 stand? As for the Republicans, we already know. Their policy on Israel: "No daylight between us," and, "We've got your back."

A third impediment is the altered environment between Israel and a newly radicalized Middle East.

Israel now looks north to a Lebanon where Hezbollah possesses more and better rockets than the metal-shop jobs Hamas fired off. Beyond lies a powerful Turkey whose prime minister just declared Israel a "terrorist" state.

To the northeast lies Syria, where the 40-year truce on the Golan is unlikely to last after Bashar al-Assad falls and is replaced by a Sunni regime rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood, or becomes a failed state saturated with jihadists and loose chemical weapons.

To the east lies Jordan, wracked by riots, a monarchy that looks to be a candidate for an Arab Spring uprising.

To the south and west are Hamas, a Sinai that is a no man's land, and an Egypt dominated by the Brotherhood, millions of whose people would like to see the Israeli peace treaty trashed.

Israel is as isolated as she has been in a region that is more hostile to her presence than perhaps at any time since the war of '48.

The time of Yitzhak Rabin, when Israel had treaties with Egypt and Jordan and had entered into the Oslo Accords with Yasser Arafat's PLO, seems ancient history. Looking back, with the Rabin assassination and Netanyahu accession, the window that appeared to be open may have closed for good.

Israelis appear now to have entrusted their future to a U.S.-guaranteed military superiority ? F-16s, smart bombs and an Iron Dome missile defense ? rather than peace talks and parchment.

Which is their call. But what of us? What do we have to show for decades of involvement in the Middle East?

Despite our "liberation" of Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya at a cost of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars, despite plunging hundreds of billions into foreign aid, America's influence has never been lower.

Hillary Clinton, who cut off her Asian tour to fly to Israel and Egypt, was a bystander in brokering the truce. She is not even allowed to talk to Hamas. For we have designated Hamas a terrorist organization.

Astonishing. What was Joe Stalin when Harry Truman talked with him at Potsdam? What was Nikita Khrushchev when Ike invited the "Butcher of Budapest" to Camp David? What was Chairman Mao when Richard Nixon toasted him in Beijing in 1972?

We tie our own hands and wonder why we cannot succeed.

Today, as Obama is being pushed toward another futile round of peacemaking in the Mideast, prodded to intervene in the ethnic-civil-sectarian war in Syria and goaded to draw a "red line" for war on Iran, he should ask himself:

How would America's vital interests be imperiled by staying out of this particular quarrel, conflict or war? Why are all of these crises somehow ours to resolve? What are the odds that we can resolve them?

We are out of Iraq, and leaving Afghanistan by 2014. Should we go back in, or as Obama pledged, do our "nation-building" here at home?

Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of "Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?" To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at



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Syrian rebels strengthen hold in country's east

BEIRUT (AP) ? Syrian rebels strengthened their hold Thursday on an oil-rich province bordering Iraq, activists said, capturing a key military base that was considered one of the last bastions for President Bashar Assad's loyalists in the strategic region.

The reported fall of the Mayadeen base, along with its stockpiles of artillery, caps a series of advances in Deir el-Zour including last week's seizure of a military airport.

The province borders on western Iraq. Syria's rebels enjoy strong support with the Sunni tribes of Iraq's west, and many Iraqis with combat experience from their own war are believed to have crossed to fight in their neighbor.

Rebel fighters also say that weapons seized when bases fall have been essential to their transformation from ragtag brigades into forces capable of challenging Assad's professional army.

Activist groups and a local fighter told The Associated Press the Mayadeen base was taken in the morning hours, after a three-week siege. The fighter spoke on condition of anonymity because of security concerns.

Violence also was reported in opposition strongholds around the capital Damascus and in the northern city of Aleppo, where government aircraft damaged one of the rebels' key field hospitals.

Rebels who have battled government forces for months to control Aleppo, Syria's economic hub, scored a major victory several days ago when they overran the nearby base of the regime's 46th Regiment. The unit was a pillar of the government's Aleppo garrison and its fall cuts a major supply line.

However, the regime has used its air power to dent rebel gains. Government aircraft late Wednesday flattened a building next to Dar al-Shifa hospital, killing 15 people and badly damaging one of the last remaining sources of medical help for civilians in the city, activists said.

Once a private clinic run by a businessman said to be close to Assad, Dar al-Shifa became a field hospital run by volunteer doctors, nurses and aides united by their opposition to the regime. They gave medical care to both civilians and rebels.

The facility has taken at least six direct shell hits in recent months, mostly affecting the upper floors. The seven-story hospital is only 400 to 500 meters (yards) from the front line in a neighborhood that is heavily shelled every day.

The warplanes turned the building adjacent to the hospital into a pile of rubble and sprayed shrapnel and debris into Dar al-Shifa itself, activists said.

Rami Abdul-Rahman, chief of the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said at least 11 fighters were killed in the raid, in addition to a doctor, a young girl and two children who were on the street.

Another activist group, the Local Coordination Committees, confirmed the bombing and identified the doctor as Mohammad Qassem Agha. The group said 40 people died in airstrikes in Aleppo on Wednesday, but did not say how many died in the hospital strike.

Videos posted online by activists showed the flattened building. Residents and rebels along with a doctor in green scrubs are seen picking through the rubble and overturned gurneys outside the hospital entrance.

In one video, a man calls out to survivors under the rubble, while one of the survivors is heard crying for help from beneath a huge slab of concrete.

In Damascus, two mortar shells struck the upscale neighborhood of Mazzeh during the morning rush hour Thursday. An AP reporter said one of the shells set fire to a six-floor apartment in a residential building, seriously injuring one woman. The second mortar struck and damaged the first floor in a building across the street.

Downtown Damascus ? the seat of Assad's power ? has seen scores of car bombs and mortar attacks in recent months. Mazzeh, home to a number of foreign embassies as well as homes of wealth Syrians, including one exclusive compound housing members of the regime, has been targeted several times in the past few days.

"This is a residential area and there are no military bases here. So why are they targeting civilians?" said Nizar Hamdi, a 38-year-old owner of a computer center.

Syrian TV showed a girl in school uniform who said the mortar fell as she was preparing herself to go out.

"It was terrifying, I couldn't go to school. People were screaming," she said.

The state-run SANA news agency also reported that a car bomb exploded in the Massaken Barzeh district of the capital, wounding another person.

The reports blamed "terrorists" for the attacks, a term the government uses for opposition fighters.

Meanwhile, the military pounded opposition strongholds in the outskirts, activists said. In videos that were posted online by activists Thursday, mortar rounds and artillery shells can be heard landing in the suburb of Daraya. Plumes of black smoke are seen rising from behind rows of houses in a residential area and a fire engulfs a one of the buildings that was hit.

With a population of about 200,000, Daraya is part of Rural Damascus, a province that includes the capital's suburbs and farmland. It has been a stronghold of support for the rebels fighting the government since the start of the uprising, posing a particularly grave threat to Assad's seat of power.

In August, troops backed by tanks stormed the town after several days of siege, with hundreds reportedly killed.

To the north, near the border with Turkey, fighting broke out in the city of Ras al-Ayn on the Syrian side of the border between Kurdish and Arab rebel factions, according to an official at the mayor's office in the nearby Turkish town of Ceylanpinar. He said two wounded rebels were brought over to Turkey for treatment, but he did not say to which faction they belonged. The official spoke on condition of anonymity in line with government rules.

Kurdish and Arab groups cooperated to oust Syrian regime forces from the ethnically mixed area earlier this month, but they have since frequently clashed over control of the city.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which relies on reports from the ground, confirmed the infighting.

Syria's conflict erupted in March 2011 with an uprising against Assad's regime, inspired by other Arab Spring revolts. The crisis has since morphed into a civil war, with scores of rebel groups across the country fighting government troops. More than 40,000 people have been killed in the 20 months of unrest, according to activists.


Associated Press writer Albert Aji in Damascus, Syria, Zeina Karam in Beirut and Mehmet Guzel in Ceylanpinar, Turkey, contributed to this report.


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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

These Tips Will Secure Your Computer - ?

Computer viruses are executable files programmed to rewrite, delete important files in your operating systems or major programs so that it does not work originally as programmed. For example, a virus targeting an installation of windows may be written so that when executed, deletes away library files in the main root folder so that some programs stop working.
We often get affected by a virus when we open files that are disguised to appear to be other files. For example, a virus file renamed to be ?itunesinstaller.exe? downloaded from an ambiguous website. Once we double click to open it, there may be no turning back. Otherwise, a virus, even though download on your computer, is harmless until you execute it.
There was a time when viruses spread easily from portable media storage devices such as floppy disks(which are probably extinct now), portable hard disks and thumb drives. This was because most of the viruses were able to make use of a program called Autorun.inf to instantly execute the virus program whenever the affected storage media is inserted into a computer. However, more recent versions of operating systems have disabled Autorun.inf by default as a security feature.
There are still many ways viruses can spread and things we should do to protect ourselves from them:
1. Be careful about opening any attachments.
Some viruses feed on the curiosity and also the ignorance of email users. The attachment may come with an email titled ?Lindsay Lohan sex tape? or any other titles that draw your interest. But the objective is to get you to open the attachment. Be prudent about it, don?t be fooled and delete the e-mail. Viruses usually end with a .exe or .com extension, but some viruses do not need an extension at all, so just delete the e-mail.
2. Avoid file sharing sites
File sharing sites are sites where users are allowed to post a file for other users to download. These sites let virus makers disguise their viruses as other software and invite unsuspecting users to download. They may also embed viruses on other software without you knowing. That free MP3 player that you just downloaded may have installed a bunch of harmful spyware without you even knowing about it.
3. Install virus protection
The 3 programs you need to protect yourself against all harmful programs is anti-virus software, anti-spyware software and a firewall.
Anti-Virus Software:
Good anti-virus software has a team of programmers that regularly research new viruses and constantly update their virus definitions where the anti-virus automatically connects to the server and updates. It doesn?t cost much to buy a anti-virus software license. Some anti-virus software companies offer their basic protection for trial, but paid licensees get more protection from their added features.
Anti-Spyware Software:

Some anti-virus software protects you from spyware as well. If not, you can download separately a anti-spyware software from a trusted download provider such as
A Firewall:
A Firewall prevents direct attacks from hackers. In newer operating systems such as Windows XP, the Firewall offers decent protection. Windows Firewall will sometimes try to confirm with you if a program is trying to open up a port. If you do not know what the program does, or it is an unknown program that you have never installed, press ?keep blocking? instead of allowing access. Keep your Firewall enabled at all times.
Keep your anti-virus software updated. Most good anti-virus programs enable this by default, but you need a working internet connection. Otherwise it is recommended that you update your anti-virus and anti-spyware software at least once a week. As new viruses are created every day, anti-virus software with outdated virus definition files are ineffective against new viruses.

I recommend AVG Internet Security 2013 to block out viruses and spyware because I am using it myself and it has not failed me. Should you wish to try a free version first, you may also download it at AVG AntiVirus 2013 Free.
More PC & Technology Articles.


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Even with Expansion of VOW Act TAP Classes, Veterans Need Private Career Coaching

Many veterans will need one-on-one help targeting their federal employment search, writing or rewriting their resumes and preparing to succeed in job interviews.

Baltimore, MD (PRWEB) November 20, 2012

The Veterans Opportunity to Work Act adds a new wrinkle on Nov. 21, 2012: The law will require retiring servicemen and women to attend the previously optional Transition Assistance Program (TAP) career class, which will be extended from 3 days to 5. To further prepare for their career transitions, veterans can also meet with a Fleet and Family Support Center Work and Family Life Consultants, Military & Family Life or Employment Readiness Program counselors, or visit a CareerOneStop center. Still, all of these resources may not be sufficient to ensure that veterans make a successful, timely transition to a federal job or other civilian career.

Even with recent, gradual improvement in the civilian job market, the search is daunting. Some 735,000 veterans were unemployed as of September 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. As Iraq and Afghanistan veterans come home, and as other veterans go without jobs, the American economy is missing out on some of its best and brightest leaders and workers. Servicemen and women who have retired since 9/11 are particularly hard-hit; 9.7 percent of them were unemployed in September, nearly 2 percentage points above the national level.

Given these harsh realities, many veterans will need one-on-one help targeting their federal employment search, writing or rewriting their resumes and preparing to succeed in job interviews. Vets need to recognize they're about to undertake a career change, not just a job change.

When John Russo, 55, began his search for a federal job, he expected good results in short order. After all, Russo already had two very successful careers under his belt, with the Baltimore City Police Department and in a decorated 30-year stint in the Army where he rose to Colonel and eventually commanded the Maryland National Guard?s 58th Brigade Combat Team. Rounding out his portfolio were a master?s degree from the Army War College, top secret clearance and veterans' and 30 percent disability preferences for federal employment.

But at first, all Russo's federal job search yielded was frustration. "I submitted the same resume for 400 federal jobs ? the shotgun approach ? and didn't even get designated 'qualified'," he says. "I was getting zero feedback. The Iraq war was winding down, the labor market was flooded with people like me, and my resume didn't do a good job of presenting my qualifications to the federal government."

Russo took the TAP course but found it of limited value. "The Transition Assistance Program gives you a book, but you really need a career coach," he says. So Russo turned to The Resume Place, a resume-writing and federal career coaching service that helped him translate technical military qualifications into language that civilian HR and hiring managers could understand, emphasizing his experience as a leader, manager, trainer and analyst.

Russo then found a temporary federal position as a civilian management analyst with the National Guard Bureau, and more recently was selected and hired for a permanent job he loves as a program analyst, GS-12, in the human resources at the Justice Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

This summer and Fall Iraq Veteran Jermaine Felix Ventura, 27, successfully transitioned from high-flying Helicopter Crew Chief in the Marines to being a program analyst at Homeland Security -- quite a switch. Ventura spent four years in the armed forces, and began working toward a federal career even before his hitch was up. The Resume Place helped Ventura build a career-changer resume that emphasized critical thinking, analysis, planning, leadership and communications skills.

"Having taken classes with Kathryn Troutman, I began a focused effort to land a government job," says Ventura. He found federal vacancy announcements the month he completed his service abroad, interviewed in June and was hired in July. "Kathryn advised me to thoroughly research each agency I applied to. Interviewers told me I was the only person who did that, so I nailed the interviews and got the job."

Veterans should check out resume-writing and career coaching services with the Better Business Bureau, and make sure that coaches have experience with military-to-federal transitions.

Kathryn Troutman
The Resume Place
443 750 0199
Email Information


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Monday, November 19, 2012

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Week 11 NFL Picks Predictions and Stone Cold Locks ? Against the Spread, Totals and Money Line

Post image for Week 11 NFL Picks Predictions and Stone Cold Locks ? Against the Spread, Totals and Money Line

These past two weeks have not been as fun as the others. We now find ourselves at 18-15 +6.3 units. We are still in the positive and looking to have a solid day and build up our bank roll. The only thing that stands in our way is Week 11. Week 11 is filled with obstacles, some teams have lost their starting QBs, some teams have lost their will to play and some teams have nothing left to lose and will be going all out ? where do you trust your money ? I have an idea let?s begin.

HOUSTON??? -15-110? (3 units) :?Fate loves the fearless. This may be the highest number I have ever bet on, usually these teams fail to cash, backdoor covers are notorious in these situations. There is one thing I know, Houston is a legit team and Super Bowl contender, and the Jags have packed it in and are hoping for a number one draft pick. I think they would love to be Houston, just like I would love to beat Jon Jones? just not going to happen. The Jags do not have enough offense and Houston has too much of it. This game will probably be around 24-0 at halftime and end up around 38-7.

San Diego/Denver o48 -110 (2 units): The Broncos have scored over 30 points in each of their wins this season, I predict they will get somewhere around their today as well. San Diego should be able to put up a couple touchdowns and a FG, maybe even a few touchdowns in an attempt to avenge their embarrassing 24 point blown lead to the Broncos earlier this season. Peyton Manning is on, he does not want just comeback player, he wants the MVP, I think we will go deep a few times?. Points will be scored.

Tampa Bay pk -120 (3 units): I like the Bucs here. They finally resemble a team that can compete week in and week out. The Panthers are continuing to live and die by Cam Newton. I thought the Panthers had a chance early in the game vs. the Broncos, they looked really well, then a few big plays put the Broncos ahead and Cam Newton went into Great Depression mode and coasted the rest of the game. Could be a fun game to watch, but I think Tampa is to physical of a team right now. War Muscle Hamster.

Kansas City Chiefs + 155 (2 units): I am taking the Chiefs here! Cincinnati won big last week vs. the Giants.? Everybody is on them now, but the Giants have been in a slump and really shot themselves in the foot. The Bengals still are not that good of a team. They have a decent passing attack, but the Chiefs have a pretty good secondary. I am also concerned about the Bengals rush defense, they are giving up almost 120 yards a game ? which is not good vs. a Chiefs team that rushes for about 150 yards a game. If the Chiefs can keep the Bengals from getting off to a big lead, and continue to run the ball, they will win this game.

Side Notes: Usually I would love the Packers coming off of a bye week, only laying 3 points to the lowly Detroit Lions, but the line has been pounded and pounded and Vegas is not budging. I am not touching this game. I also like the Ravens laying 3.5 to the Steelers. I think the Steelers have struggled this season and were kept in games in a large part to Roethlisberger. He is out with an injury, I think the Ravens.

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University Gateway student housing complex near USC sold

University Gateway at 3335 S. Figueroa Street.

University Gateway at 3335 S. Figueroa St. (Urban Partners)

November 18, 2012, 11:15 a.m.

University Gateway, high-end private student housing across the street from USC, has sold for more than $200 million to a Wisconsin public employees pension fund.

The eight-story complex at 3335 S. Figueroa St. was completed in 2010 by Los Angeles developer Urban Partners, which owned it with real estate investors RCG Longview and Blackstone Real Estate Advisors. Its appraised value prior to the sale was $89 million, according to real estate data provider CoStar.

University Gateway has 421 units with 1,656 beds available for rent. The residences are 96% leased, according to real estate brokerage CBRE Group Inc., which helped arrange the deal. The complex also has shops and restaurants on the ground floor.

The price set a new national benchmark for the sale of a single student-housing complex, said Ryan Reid, head of student housing sales at CBRE. ?Urban Partners developed a high-quality asset in an irreplaceable location,? he said.

Students pay about $1,000 a month per bed to live at University Gateway. Amenities include a fitness center, rooftop terraces and a soundproof study room.

Chicago-based Blue Vista Capital purchased the property on behalf of the State of Wisconsin Investment Board.


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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Disponible Microsoft Office 2013 para probarlo durante dos meses

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Disponible Microsoft Office 2013 para probarlo durante dos meses
Uno de los programas m?s utilizados en las empresas es Microsoft Office. En breve aparecer? una nueva versi?n que ser? la que venga a sustituir a la versi?n que actualmente est? a la venta, Microsoft Office 2010. Si tenemos previsto adquirir nuevas licencias o renovar las que ya tenemos en la empresa quiz?s nos interese probar la nueva versi?n, que ya est? disponible Microsoft Office 2013 para probarlo durante dos meses.

Es una buena oportunidad de asegurarnos que en el futuro, cuando lo implantemos en nuestra empresa no tendremos ning?n tipo de problema. Se trata de la versi?n completa de Microsoft Office 2013 Profesional Plus que inluye Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, OneNote, Access, Publisher y Lync disponibles en sus versiones completas con todas sus nuevas caracter?sticas.

Lo cierto es que esta versi?n representa un cambio de apariencia bastante importante, una adaptaci?n a la nueva interfaz que domina en Microsoft y a la que, nos guste o no, debemos ir acostumbr?ndonos. Su adaptaci?n a al manejo t?ctil y su apoyo en la nube son dos de sus caractert?sticas destacadas.

Otra cuesti?n que debemos tener en cuenta es que Office 2013 no estar? disponible para Windows XP y Vista, por lo que estos equipos tendr?n que seguir utilizando la versi?n actual de 2010. Esta versi?n que est? actualmente a la venta permite actualizar a la nueva de 2013 en caso de que compremos ahora.

V?a | Xataka Windows
M?s informaci?n | TechNet
En Tecnolog?a Pyme | Microsoft Office 2013: almacenamiento en la nube y la compatibilidad con Tablets

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J.C. Penney CEO tries to change the way we shop

In this Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 photo, a customer passes merchandise at a JC Penney store in New York. J.C. Penney CEO Ron Johnson seems unfazed that the department store chain's mounting losses and sales declines have led to growing criticism of his plan to change the way we shop. Perhaps that's because this isn't the first time during Johnson's 30-year career that he's attempted what seemed impossible. For instance, no one thought the stores he designed for Apple would succeed, and now they're the most profitable in the nation. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

In this Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 photo, a customer passes merchandise at a JC Penney store in New York. J.C. Penney CEO Ron Johnson seems unfazed that the department store chain's mounting losses and sales declines have led to growing criticism of his plan to change the way we shop. Perhaps that's because this isn't the first time during Johnson's 30-year career that he's attempted what seemed impossible. For instance, no one thought the stores he designed for Apple would succeed, and now they're the most profitable in the nation. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

In this Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 photo, lingerie is shown at a Cosmopolitan boutique at a JC Penney store in New York. J.C. Penney CEO Ron Johnson seems unfazed that the department store chain's mounting losses and sales declines have led to growing criticism of his plan to change the way we shop. Perhaps that's because this isn't the first time during Johnson's 30-year career that he's attempted what seemed impossible. For instance, no one thought the stores he designed for Apple would succeed, and now they're the most profitable in the nation. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

This undated photo provided by J.C. Penney, shows CEO Ron Johnson. Johnson seems unfazed that the department store chain's mounting losses and sales declines have led to growing criticism of his plan to change the way we shop. Perhaps that's because this isn't the first time during Johnson's 30-year career that he's attempted what seemed impossible. For instance, no one thought the stores he designed for Apple would succeed, and now they're the most profitable in the nation. (AP Photo/J.C. Penney, Barth Tillotson)

In this Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 photo, a customer looks at merchandise at a JC Penney's in New York. J.C. Penney CEO Ron Johnson seems unfazed that the department store chain's mounting losses and sales declines have led to growing criticism of his plan to change the way we shop. Perhaps that's because this isn't the first time during Johnson's 30-year career that he's attempted what seemed impossible. For instance, no one thought the stores he designed for Apple would succeed, and now they're the most profitable in the nation. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

NEW YORK (AP) ? J.C. Penney CEO Ron Johnson seems unfazed that the department store chain's mounting losses and sales declines have led to growing criticism of his plan to change the way we shop. Perhaps that's because this isn't the first time during Johnson's 30-year career that he's attempted what seemed impossible.

People predicted he'd fail at selling high-end housewares and designer dresses at discounter Target, but shoppers still flock there years later for cheap chic goods. Likewise, almost no one believed that the Apple stores he designed to sell the consumer electronics giant's gadgets would make money. Yet Apple's retail operations have become the most profitable in the industry.

At the time, both decisions seemed radical. Now, they each are viewed as strokes of genius.

But Johnson's latest gamble is shaping up to be his biggest. He's not only aiming to reverse the fortunes of Penney, a 110-year-old chain that has had sales declines in four of the past five years as it's struggled to adapt to changing consumer tastes and shopping habits. He's also attempting to do something no other retailer has before: reinvent the department store from the ground up.

Since leaving Apple to become Penney's CEO in November, Johnson has been overhauling everything from the retailer's pricing to its merchandise to its stores. He got rid of most sales. He's brought in hip brands. And he's replacing rows of clothing racks with small shops that make the stores feel like outdoor mini malls.

But since Penney started the changes, the chain has reported three consecutive quarters of big losses on steep sales declines. Its stock has lost more than half its value. Its credit rating is in junk status. And critics are beginning to doubt that Johnson has what it takes to make the chain cool.

"He's trying to start a retail revolution without an army of consumers behind him," says Burt Flickinger, III, president of a retail consultancy. "Penney will suffer dire financial and competitive circumstances as a result."

But Johnson, 53, a Midwest native who speaks about his vision for J.C. Penney Co. with boyish enthusiasm, is undeterred: "Lots of people think we're crazy. But that's what it takes to get ahead."


Virtually no one questioned Johnson's savvy when it was announced in June 2011 that he was leaving his role as Apple Inc.'s senior vice president of retail to take over the top job at Penney, a chain that had gained a reputation in recent years of having un-hip, boring stores and merchandise. To the contrary there were lofty expectations for the man who had made Apple's stores hip places to shop and before that, pioneered Target Corp.'s successful "cheap chic" strategy.

Johnson, who says that his biggest inspirations in life are "sunrises" and "smiles," spent several months before becoming Penney's CEO traipsing across the globe to find ideas on how to transform the company. On the itinerary: meetings with executives at trendy retailers and designers such as Gap, J. Crew, Diane Von Furstenberg and Ralph Lauren.

During these trips, Johnson hatched an idea to make Penney stores appealing not only to its core of middle-income shoppers, but also to new groups of younger and higher-income customers. Johnson decided to focus on three areas: price, merchandise and the stores.

Johnson started as Penney's CEO in November 2011. In his first couple of months in the role, Johnson hired big-name executives that he trusted. Among them, Michael Francis, a top Target executive that he'd met while he worked there, was brought in as president to help redefine Penney's brand.

Johnson's boldest move came on Feb. 1 of this year when he rolled out new pricing in Penney's 1,100 stores. That's virtually unheard of in retail, where significant changes are typically tested in a few locations for several months before being rolled out nationally.

Johnson says that Penney didn't have several months to waste. Testing would've been "impossible," he says, because Penney needed quick results.

Johnson's plan was designed to wean customers off the markdowns they'd become accustomed to, but that eat into profits. He ditched the nearly 600 sales Penney offered throughout the year for a three-tiered strategy that permanently lowered prices on all items in the store by 40 percent, and offered monthlong sales on select items and periodic clearance events throughout the year.

Penney, based in Plano, Texas, also stopped giving out coupons and banished the words "sale" and "clearance" in its new "fair and square" advertising campaign. The ads were colorful and whimsical: In one spot, a dog jumped through a hula hoop that a little girl held. The text read: "No more jumping through hoops. No coupon clipping. No door busting. Just great prices from the start."


Johnson's plan received a warm reception at first. Investors began pushing Penney's stock up after he announced the plan in late January: It rose nearly 25 percent to peak at $43 in the days after the plan was rolled out in February. Analysts used words like "visionary" and "revolutionary" to describe the plan.

The honeymoon didn't last. After most of Penney's coupons and sales disappeared, so did its customers. And the ads didn't help: They were praised for being entertaining, but criticized for not explaining the new pricing.

Walter Loeb, a New York-based retail consultant, says Johnson acted in haste and sprang the changes on customers too soon. "The customer isn't accustomed to such drastic change," he says.

The first sign that things were falling apart came in May when rival Macy's Inc. told analysts that sales were rising at its stores that share malls with Penney locations. A week later, Penney posted a $163 million quarterly loss. Revenue plunged 20 percent to $3.15 billion. The number of customers visiting stores fell 10 percent.

Wall Street didn't like the changes any more than Main Street did. A day after it posted the loss, Penney's stock fell nearly 20 percent ? its biggest one-day decline in four decades ? to $26.75. That same month, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services lowered its credit rating to junk status.

Johnson asked investors to be patient and reiterated his confidence in his plan. But a few weeks later, Johnson fired Francis, who'd been in charge of marketing the new pricing. Johnson, who wakes up at 4 a.m. without an alarm clock, took over that responsibility and brought back the word "sale" in ads. But things kept getting worse.

So six months after he rolled out Penney's plan, Johnson tweaked pricing. On Aug. 1 ? just days before Penney posted another big loss on a second consecutive quarter of disappointing revenue ? Johnson eliminated one tier of the pricing plan: the monthlong sales. He also brought back another taboo word: clearance.

Johnson says the original three-tier strategy was too confusing for customers. "We got too tricky," Johnson told the Associated Press in an interview.

Johnson also vowed to better communicate Penney's pricing to shoppers. As part of that, Penney rolled out ads that were in stark contrast to the spots it used to introduce the plan. For instance, a TV spot touted free haircuts for students during the back-to-school shopping period.

"We thought, 'Why are we trying to teach customers a new language to shop?" Johnson told The Associated Press. "We're just trying to be straightforward."

But Johnson's decision to get rid of monthlong sales hurt more than it helped. On Nov. 9, the company posted its third consecutive big quarterly loss and revenue decline. Johnson says one big factor that dragged sales down was the elimination of the monthlong sales, which he says confused shoppers who like to compare prices.

Johnson says Penney lost $20 million a week in sales associated with getting rid of the monthlong events for a total sales loss of $260 million for the quarter. Penney posted a net loss of 56 cents per share, or $123 million, in the quarter ended Oct. 27. Revenue dropped nearly 27 percent to $2.93 billion.

On the news, Standard & Poor's dropped Penney's credit rating deeper into junk status. And its stock has fallen six straight days since the earnings report by a total of 25 percent for that period, to close at about $16 on Friday. The stock is down 62 percent since January? its lowest price since March 2009 when the U.S. was in a recession.

Johnson, who says the company will now show the suggested price of clothing and other manufacturers on price tags alongside Penney's price, doesn't seem to be panicking. In a meeting with analysts following the release of the company's results, he chalked Penney's poor performance up to a learning experience.

"This was another quarter of unbelievable learning for us at J.C. Penney," he says. "Each quarter, we learn a lot, we adapt, we try to move forward."


Some critics say Johnson's plan is falling apart because he chose to overhaul pricing before working to improve Penney stores. Indeed, Penney stores have long been seen as unappealing and it's merchandise as dowdy.

But Johnson says the focus on pricing was no mistake. One of the men he has admired most in his life was Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple and his former boss. He says Jobs taught him the importance of doing things well "one at a time" and "not getting ahead of yourself."

Johnson, who wears khakis and jeans to the office most days, says he knew he wanted to bring in hip names like Vivienne Tam and Joe Fresh to Penney. But those brands, Johnson reasoned, wouldn't put their wares in stores as long as Penney offered hundreds of sales each year.

"Nobody is going to put their brand in a place (where) they'll devalue it or take 50 percent or 60 percent off and sell it on coupons," he told investors in September.

With pricing in place, Johnson shifted his focus to Penney's stores and merchandise. This fall, Penney began replacing nearly half of its merchandise in stores with new lines like Betsey Johnson's Betseyville, which features trendy items such as $45 leopard print platform pumps and $24 lace rompers.

To showcase Penney's new merchandise, Johnson also reimagined its stores into mini malls of sorts. He plans to divide stores into 100 shops that highlight different brands or types of merchandise. Each shop will be like its own small store, with different merchandise and signage.

Surrounding the shops will be extra-wide aisles that Johnson calls "streets." Along those pathways will be ice cream and coffee bars and wood tables with built-in iPad tablet computers that shoppers can use to surf online. In the middle of it all, a Town Square will offer activities like Pilates.

Johnson says the stores, which will carry about 25 percent less merchandise, will be places where shoppers can hang out. The hope is that the longer they stay, the more they'll buy.

Penney already has started the remake of its stores. In recent weeks, ten shops have been launched for such brands as Liz Claiborne, Levi's and Penney's new JCP line of casual clothes in 700 of its 1,100 stores. Johnson aims to have 100 shops in those 700 stores by the end of 2015. The remaining 400 stores are in small towns and won't feature the full makeover.

In September, Johnson took 300 analysts and reporters on a tour of a 30,000-square-foot prototype of the complete Penney store of the future, which Johnson calls the "art studio." He says he likes to stop by the prototype, on the third floor of a Penney store in a Dallas mall minutes from Penney's headquarters, before he goes to work each day.

Penney is starting to see some positive results from the makeover it began. The company says so far that it has converted about 11 percent of the floor space to shops-within-stores. The shops' average sales are more than double the sales in the rest of the store.

And some customers are beginning to come back. Michael Pelaez, a 27-year-old who rarely shopped at Penney before the new shops opened, says he likes the retailer's new Levi's shop and its predictable pricing. "It's forcing me to browse," says the pharmaceutical supplier worker who lives in Hialeah, Fla. "What used to be an hour and a half at the mall has turned out to be an hour and a half at J.C. Penney."

That some customers are responding to the redo is no surprise to Johnson, who insists his plan will work. "It's really hard to transform things," he says. "But that's what we're going to do."

Not everyone believes that's possible. Michael Exstein, an analyst at Credit Suisse, recently downgraded Penney's stock to "underperform" from "neutral." Exstein wrote that Penney "must find a way to significantly slow the sales decline within the next six months."

But Johnson still has supporters. During an interview with CNBC after the company's last earnings report, William Ackman, an activist investor whose hedge fund Pershing Square Capital Management has a 17.8 percent stake in Penney, said that he's giving the turnaround several more years to work. He also said, however, that there is a limit to how far the board and the CEO would let sales fall.

"If it's not working, we will make changes," says Ackman, who joined Penney's board in early 2011 and pushed other board members to choose Johnson as CEO last year. "He's not this doctrinaire guy."


That Johnson is taking a risky approach with Penney is no surprise. After receiving an economics degree from Stanford University and an MBA from Harvard Business School in 1984, he turned down a lucrative offer from investment bank Goldman Sachs for a manager trainee job at the now-defunct Mervyns department store chain and then worked his way up to vice president of merchandise at Target.

In 1998, when he signed a deal with architect Michael Graves to develop a line of affordable housewares for Target, it was the first time that an upscale designer's products would be sold in a mass market discount store. Industry watchers predicted the strategy would fail. After all, people didn't shop at a discounter for designer brands.

"Back then, design was something for affluent people," Johnson told fashion executives recently.

But the partnership, which was followed by deals with other designers like Isaac Mizrahi, redefined discounting. Even discount king Wal-Mart followed a variation of the strategy.

Success at Apple wasn't much easier for Johnson. When Johnson and Jobs introduced the idea of opening retail locations, it was resisted by nearly everyone on Apple's board. Board members looked at Gateway, a competitor that was in the midst of closing stores, as proof that the strategy wouldn't work.

Even Johnson's now-popular Genius Bar, a place within Apple stores where customers can get hands-on technical support, was seen as radical. It ran counter to the retail industry's practice of hiding "repair" areas in the stores.

"No one thought it would work," Johnson told analysts earlier this year. "There wasn't one positive believer."

The first Apple store, which opened in 2001 in Tyson's Corner mall in Virginia, became a hit. Others across the nation followed. There are now 394 stores in 13 countries. "Apple has changed the way to buy a computer. And we did that by thinking completely differently about every aspect of the retail business," Johnson says.

It's his "go get 'em" attitude that serves Johnson well, say those who know him. "If he believes in something wholeheartedly, there is not a person on this planet that could sway him," says Francis, the former Penney president who now is marketing creative adviser for Gap Inc.

Francis says he doesn't resent Johnson because he fired him. "There are no reasons to have hard feelings," he told The Associated Press. "Life is too short."

Brian Sozzi, chief equities analyst at NBG Productions, says that the problems Johnson has had at Penney will only add to his creative genius. "He has learned the CEO job on the fly," he says. "He's still a visionary, but he's a bruised and more humbled visionary."


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