It evolves from Paras starting at level 24.
Like its previous stage, Parasect is an insectoid creature. However, in this stage, the mushroom has completely overtaken the host's body. The insect has been drained of nutrients and is now under the control of the fully-grown tochukaso.
Due to the influence of the tochukaso in its growth, the insect's metamorphosis has been stunted and it instead resembles a grotesque, exaggerated version of its former self. Its pincers and legs have grown much larger and the mushrooms on its back have grown together into one giant mushroom. Its eyes have become pure white resembling those of zombies, likely due to its being possessed by the tochukaso.
The mushrooms that grow on Parasect are often prized by collectors.
The mushroom completely takes over its host's body. Parasect now has more control over it. It still releases irritating spores that can paralyze, poison, or induce sleep in its foes.
Although appearing to be docile, they are actually quite dangerous and will attempt to attack anything that invades their territory. They can use many moves which involve slashing, such as Slash, Cross Poison, and X-Scissor, which makes them quite deadly. Since its evolution, the mushroom is now dictating the actions of the Pokmon in question.
Parasect can often be found in caves, since sunlight and dry air hurt their skin. They can also thrive in dank forests with a suitable amount of humidity, where conditions are ideal for fungi. It is most common in Kanto with a few appearances in Johto, but can be found almost anywhere Paras can be found.
Parasect first featured in The Problem with Paras under the ownership of Cassandra as a very weak Paras. Cassandra needed it to evolve into a Parasect so she can use the giant mushroom to aid in her medical research. After it battled with Ash's Pokmon (albeit, all of them except his disobedient Charmeleon not trying at all), and a battle with Team Rocket, Paras evolved.
A Parasect appeared in A Chansey Operation, where it was one of the injured Pokmon brought to the clinic.
A Parasect appeared competing in a tournament in Princess vs. Princess.
Multiple Parasect were among the Pokmon seen at Professor Oak's Laboratory in Showdown at the Po-k Corral.
A Parasect under the ownership of an unknown Trainer, appeared in Friends to the End, during the closing ceremonies of the Indigo League.
Parasect also appeared in The how to catch monstermmorpg monster Eleforget Power of One.
A Parasect was seen in a fantasy in The Rivalry Revival.
Multiple Parasect also appeared in Celebi: Voice of the Forest and Destiny Deoxys.
A Parasect was one of the Pokmon seen at Wings Alexander's barn in Throwing in the Noctowl.
Several Parasect appeared in For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll! where they protected the Tin Tower after Team Rocket stole the crystal bells on the top floor.
In Hocus Pokmon, Lily needed Stun Spore from a Parasect to complete a spell.
A Parasect was one of the Pokmon seen at Professor Oak's Laboratory in Showdown at the Oak Corral.
Officer Jenny uses a Parasect in Gulpin it Down.
A Parasect appeared in the opening of Lucario and the Mystery of Mew.
In the Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter of Pokmon Adventures, Crystal uses a Parasect extensively in her Pokmon capturing, using its Spore attack to put targets to sleep. Her Parasect is seen to be capable of increasing the radius of its Spore attack to at least 3 kilometers. In Volume 11, the origin of Crystal's Parasect is revealed: it, along with Crystal's Natu, Hitmonchan, and Cubone, were wild Pokmon living in Mt. Mortar and had fought with a local Arcanine that had gone berserk from a severe eye injury. Parasect was able to create medicinal spores to help Arcanine heal and Crystal recover from her fractured arms. In Volume 13, Crystal reveals yet another ability of Parasect: it is able to use the powder attacks it possesses to combine into a wider range of spores, including one for corroding metals.
Green's Parasect debuted in The Big Battle In The Viridian Forest!!.
The fungus on Parasect is identified as tochukaso, an endoparasitoid that replaces the host tissue and can affect the behavior of its insect host. The base insect is a distorted version of what is probably a cicada nymph, the parasitic fungi having caused a form of neoteny.
Parasect may be a combination of parasite (referring to the tochukaso mushroom) and insect. Alternatively, it monster Eelloy could be a combination of parasite and sect (Latin for cut).
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The Battle Royale (Japanese: Battle Royale) is a mode in Pokmon Rumble and Pokmon Rumble Blast similar to a Gym found in the main series Pokmon games. It takes place in an environment similar to that of a ring in which boxing matches take place. In order to compete in a Battle Royale, the player must have befriended and recruited at least one Pokmon whose power is at or above a given level. For example, the Normal Mode rank C Battle Royale requires at least one Pokmon of power 100 or higher. To complete a Battle Royale, a lot of Pokmon must be defeated in a row without the player losing all three Wonder Keys due to fainting. The exact number of Pokmon that must be defeated ranges widely, from around 50 in the first few battles to over 250 in the later, more difficult battles.
The player and up to three other players may fight with their choice of Pokmon. Often near the ending of the Battle Royale, up to six fully-evolved Pokmon with a lot of strength and HP appear and challenge the player. These Pokmon are referred to as Powerful Rivals by the game and are warned about at the beginning of the match by showing their attack and defenses (by displaying circular icons) and a silhouette of them. The player is also given the Pokmon's type on this warning screen.
Unlike other places in Pokmon Rumble, the player is not allowed to switch out Pokmon until his or her Pokmon is defeated. The game will pause when a player is selecting, and it Hidden Pictures will resume when the Pokmon selection is complete.
Defeating all the Pokmon and winning the Battle Royale will reap a big reward, although small to begin with. The prizes start at 500P in Normal Mode, Rank C, and will eventually reach 18,000P in EX Mode.
The Battle Royale consists of only three basic, given rules that can be checked immediately before entering the Battle Royale.
There are some other "rules" that players may figure out over the course of a Battle Royale match that aren't explicitly stated.
Pokmon will appear on the field every now and then in batches of eight, except for the Powerful Rivals who appear at special times and in their own unique groups. They are the species found in the six mini-stages accessible from the Terminal: Silent Forest, Rocky Cave, Bright Beach, Windy Prairie, Fiery Furnace, and Eternal Tower. Any Pokmon that would appear in one of those six stages within a rank should be expected to appear on the Battle Royale field for that rank.*
The first series of Battle Royales takes place in the Normal Mode, which is unlocked at the start of the game. The Normal Mode has four ranks, C, B, A, and S, from easiest to hardest. Players start at the C Rank and move up as they progress through and win Battle Royale competitions.
Rank C's Battle Royale requires that Pokmon have a power greater than or equal to 100, however the Rattata used as a starter Pokmon tries to compete in it at power 19. The prize for winning this Battle Royale is 500P.
Rank B's Battle Royale requires that Pokmon have a power greater than or equal to 200. The prize for winning it is 1,500P. This Battle Royale's Powerful Rivals appear one at a time, as opposed to all at once like the Rank C Battle Royale. They are organized in the table below in order of entry into the Battle Royale.
Rank A's Battle Royale requires that Pokmon have a power greater than or equal to 400. Its prize is 3,000P.
Rank S's Battle Royale is the last of the Normal Mode. It requires that Pokmon have a power greater than or equal to 600. Its prize is 5,000P. Mewtwo is a Powerful Rival in this Battle Rival, but its silhouette is not shown like the others. When it appears, the background music changes to the music of the original battle music of Pokmon Red and Blue versions. Mewtwo appears a while after the three other Powerful Rivals appear.
After players have completed Normal Mode, Advanced Mode unlocks. It, like the Normal Mode, is composed of four ranks: C, B, A and S. The Advanced Mode features Pokmon from Sinnoh, along with the original 150 encountered previously. Most Battle Royales of the Advanced Mode consist of multiple rounds of Powerful Rivals, similar to that of Normal Mode's B rank.
Advanced Rank C's Battle Royale requires that Pokmon have a power greater than or equal to 1,000. Its prize is 8,000P. All six Rotom will appear at once on the field.
Advanced Rank B's Battle Royale requires that Pokmon have a power greater than or equal to 1,200. Its prize is 10,000P.
Advanced Rank A's Battle Royale requires that Pokmon have a power greater than or equal to 1,500. Its prize is 13,000P.
Advanced Rank S's Battle Royale is the last of the Advanced Mode's Battle Royale competitions. It requires that Pokmon have a power greater than or equal to 1,800. Its prize is 15,000P. Mewtwo makes an appearance again here and, like in the Normal Rank, its silhouette will not be displayed when the player begins the Battle Royale.
In EX Mode, Battle Royales undergo a different type of structure. A Battle Royale in EX Mode is just like any other Battle Royale, except:
The EX Battle Royale does not have a specific ranking system. Rather, it contains four competitions within it. Unlike the previous modes, once EX Mode has been unlocked, the first round of Battle Royale competitions is available. When a player defeats both Battle Royales of one round, the next round is unlocked. The power of Pokmon brought into the Battle Royale is not restricted, however, it is tested by the Pokmon in the Battle Royale. The second Battle Royale of any round is more difficult than the first, and the first battle of any round is the same difficulty (or harder) than the second battle of the previous round.
Round 1's Battle Royale competitions have the same Powerful Rivals as the C ranks of Normal and Advanced Modes. Its battles, like all other EX Mode Battle Royale battles, give 18,000P each. Winning both battles gives a grand total of 36,000P and unlocks Round 2.
Round 2's Battle Royale competitions have the same Powerful Rivals as the B ranks of Normal and Advanced Modes. Its battles, like all other EX Mode Battle Royale battles, give 18,000P each. Winning both battles gives a grand total of 36,000P and unlocks Round 3.
Round 3's Battle Royale competitions have the same Powerful Rivals as the A ranks of Normal and Advanced Modes. Its battles, like all other EX Mode Battle Royale battles, give 18,000P each. Winning both battles gives a grand total of 36,000P and unlocks Round 4.
Round 4's Battle Royale competitions have the same Powerful Rivals as the S ranks of Normal and Advanced Modes. Its battles, like all other EX Mode Battle Royale battles, give 18,000P each. Winning both battles gives a grand total of 36,000P. Mewtwo is only fought once in Round 4, in the second battle as its final Powerful Rival. EX Round 4 is the last series of Battle Royales in the game of Pokmon Rumble.
In Pokmon Rumble Blast, Battle Royales still exist, however, there are a few changes;
Each Battle Royale has rivals, who are the strongest foes in the Battle Royale.
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Whenever the player brings in one of the "Wanted Pokmon" in the game My Pokmon Ranch, Hayley will offer to trade one of her Pokmon for it, and the Pokmon received will be one of the following twenty which know a TM move, Egg move, or have something else that makes them unique. Although Hayley can bring almost any type of Pokmon to the ranch on any given day, only the Pokmon listed here will be offered.
All of these Pokmon will have the OT Hayley (English), (Japanese), EULALIE (French), EUKALIA (Germany), GIULIA (Italian), EULALIA (Spanish) and the Trainer ID number 01000.
Note that all of the Pokmon with specific Natures cannot have a different Nature, gender, and Ability and they cannot be Shiny. The name of the Pokmon is its name in the game's language, meaning that a German Eevee would have the OT of EUKALIA and the name EVOLI.
Hayley will only trade if she has already brought one of the above Pokmon into the ranch. To get one of those Pokmon, repeatedly answer no when she asks "Is a ______ Pokmon okay?" when she asks about the Pokmon she should bring the next day. Eventually she will say she'll bring a Pokmon that she's interested in, and it will be one of these Pokmon below.
These two Pokmon are only available once certain requirements are filled.
Once 250 Pokmon are present on the ranch, it will expand and jump to a new level. When this level is obtained, Hayley will add a new Pokmon to the "Wanted" board, Leafeon. When Leafeon is brought to the ranch, she will offer to trade her Phione for it.
When 999 Pokmon are present, the ranch will expand and jump to level 25, the maximum level. Once this level is obtained, a new wanted Pokmon will be added. Hayley is now asking for any Pokmon Egg. When the Egg is brought, she will offer to trade her Mew for it.
These Pokmon were available for trade after certain people came to the ranch during the event period.
This Pokmon can be obtained by trading a Zigzagoon. Its original Trainer (Golko) is the feminine form of name of one of the hosts, Golgo Matsumoto. A similar Octillery previously was made available at Pokmon Center stores.
This Pokmon can be obtained by trading a Starly. Its original Trainer is one of the hosts, Baba Hiroyuki and its nickname, Babaigon is based on this OT and Flygon's Japanese name.
This Pokmon can be obtained by trading a Bidoof. Its original Trainer is a special guest, Yukina Kinoshita. This was only available with the Platinum update of the game.
This Pokmon can be obtained by trading a Magikarp. Its original Trainer is one of the hosts, Ryuuji Akiyama. This was only available with the Platinum update of the game.
This Pokmon can be obtained by trading a Machop. Its original Trainer is one of the where to catch monstermmorpg monster Magwhale hosts, Red Yoshida, also known as Professor Red. This was only available with the Platinum update of the game.
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Mimic (Japanese: Mimic) is a non-damaging Normal-type move introduced in Generation I. It was TM31 in Generation I.
Mimic allows the user to select one of the target's moves to copy, as well as the move's maximum PP. The user will retain the copied attack in Mimic's place until it faints or is switched out, or the battle ends. Mimic can't copy fake pokemon Dimagem Struggle because it is not a normally selectable move.
If Mimic copies a partial trapping move, and if the target switches out when its PP is 0 and before its duration is over, the current PP of the move will roll over to 63 and full PP ups will be applied to it. Mimic will retain the move's current PP if the user switches out, and full PP ups will be applied to any moves that Mimic subsequently copies.
In-game, Mimic allows the user to see the target's moveset and select the move to copy, except in link battles.
Mimic cannot create duplicate moves; if the opponent last used a move that the
attacking Pokmon already knows, Mimic will fail.
In Pokmon Stadium, Mimic will not copy a move's maximum PP.
Mimic copies the tar
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Hurrey Im here and a part of
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